Let’s eat sweet and speak sweet!

Hasan Karlıtaş

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant colours of the Cypriot kitchen culture is the desserts. Even though many people are on a diet nowadays, the charm of Cypriot desserts is enough to intervene with these diets. Even though the variety of desserts differs depending on the region, tastes of desserts such as ply cooked on a round metal tray or iron plate, milky pastry, a traditional sweet with grape juice and almonds, a sweet made of starch and boiled-down grape juice, pastries with quark cheese, minced meat, halloumi, mixed vegetable and mushroom pastry, crumpets in thick syrup, a sweet pastry soaked in syrup,  carob molasses,  grape molasses, blancmange and cooked dough with molasses, say “I am here even though I am about to be forgotten.”


Cyprus Desserts  and Cyprus  Pastes

Another important part of the dessert culture in Cyprus is definitely pastes. Among pastes, even though the first ones that come to minds are walnut and bergamot, they vary according to the region so much that it is not possible not to be impressed.

A list that includes but is not limited with orange, bergamot, green bergamot flower of bergamot, grapefruit, date, apple, tomato, cherry, watermelon, pumpkin, fig, quince, carrot, eggplant, thorn apple, almond, unripe almond, grape... They all have exclusive tastes.

Serving pastes which reflects the hospitability of Cyprus, is like art. Paste can be served to a guest who just stopped by or to a very important guest as a refreshing dessert. Paste is not only remarkable with its taste but also with its visuals; it is served on a tray covered with embroidery with silver paste forks or regular small forks. Back in the days, covers of trays and forks were part of dowry of young women.

Daily routines and problems in our lives never end. I think answering the call of the Cyprus desserts that will help us to have a good look at life is the best option. Now, what we need to do is to eat sweat and to speak sweet.